How I’m Remaining Positive in a World of Chaos

My Dear Friend,

Are you having a hard time? Yeah, me too. Let’s face it, what’s going on in the world right now is utterly shitty. Unemployment rate, at-home order, global pandemic…these phrases are not at all sexy. In a time when news reports, rules and regulations are changing by the minute, it sure seems like for the past two months I’ve been stagnant. It’s as if I were painted into a scene, much like the Whistler’s Mother, unable to move but rather gazing upon the four walls constantly surrounding me unlike the whimsical artworks that line Hogwarts’s Halls permitted to roam freely as they wish. Some days, I love the autonomy. Some days, I can feel the walls around me closing in by the second. Just the mere thought of those days runs shivers down my anxiety-stricken body. It’s the unknown of it all that really takes my breath away.

But I’m always reminded of the simple fact, it’s out of our control. Why worry about the weather tomorrow when there’s literally nothing on this green Earth you can do to change it? Why worry about life looking so obscenely different right now when you can’t change the circumstances? Even though some days are the lowest of lows, I try my hardest to shift perception. Focus on what I can control. Focus on the good, the opportunity that lies ahead. I have chosen to grow from this. Grow as a creator. Grow as a daughter, a girlfriend, a friend. Grow as a career-women. Grow into a more positive version of myself. As a born-again cynic, this is something I’ve been working on for quite some time.

A quote from the globally renowned book/movie trilogy Hunger Games, who’s dystopian, post-apocalyptic nation sometimes doesn’t seem too far off from our current situation, always sticks like glue to my consciousness. “Hope, it is the only thing stronger than fear”, said President Snow. He foolishly put too much faith in fear. I, such as triumphant Katniss Everdeen, choose hope.

Now I know my listicle isn’t the magic potion that will change the world for the better overnight. I’m not that naive, but I’m hoping that by sharing a few ways I’m trying to stay positive during all of this chaos that the message could radiate out into the world much like the ripples from a single drop of water. Even if one person finds value or solace from these thought starters, then I have done my job.

That’s what we’re really craving, right? A sense of community. The social aspect of normal life. I heard on the radio today, “it shouldn’t be called social distancing, it should be called physical distancing because we still have the need and capability of being social.” That’s right and this little corner, this community we’re building, is my way to stay social with you. It won’t happen overnight, but if you dig deep for the inner hope inside of you, I think these are some easy ways to start steering your mind into becoming more positive, sightseeing for the silver lining and waving away negativity through the rearview mirror:

Channeling energy: This pandemic stirs up a lot of emotion inside of us. We have the choice on where to put that energy, into being angry or use it for good? I think a great way to channel energy right now is to be creative: paint, draw, color, write, compose, sculpt, cook, tie dye (since we all know that’s the biggest trend right now). There are so many opportunities to morph your energy into a creative outlet that yields something tangible.

Write down your thoughts: You have many thoughts right now, I’m sure you do. You’re doing yourself a disservice by keeping those bottled up. Take 10 minutes a day for yourself to write down all of those thoughts. It could simply be a list of words describing how you’re feeling that day: angry, sad, mad, anxious, tired, unmotivated. Doesn’t matter, just get them out of your head. It’ll be cathartic, what do you think I’m doing right now writing this?

Keep a routine: It’s so easy to sleep in or stay up late. Act as if life is normal, fake it ‘til you make it kind of thing. You’ll feel more normal, you’ll be getting the sleep you need, which is vastly important and you’ll limit the other problems or chaos that could arise if you do veer off into a free for all. Assess and prioritize all of your current tasks, don’t abandon regular responsibilities.

Create a sanctuary: I’ve read so many articles that claim that if the space around you is organized, tidy and your personal sanctuary, you free up space in your mind. When the physical space around you is organized, you have the time and energy to organize the thoughts swirling around upstairs. Since we’re stuck in our homes, rather have the ability to be at home more (all about perception), our surroundings are more important than ever. Make those interior adjustments you’ve been toying around with. This is one of those areas where you can control what you can control.

Press pause on the news: The news is just too much for me right now. Every time I take a few minutes to catch up on the latest, I can feel a lump form in my throat. I’ve decided that, in order for me to strive to be a more positive person, I need to halt constant media coverage. It was on ALL THE TIME at my house because if there was a sudden change, I wanted to be the first to know so I could prepare. That was not the right way to go about it. I listen when I need to, otherwise I stick with reputable articles online when I feel like it.

Take a break: An afternoon walk is now an activity that I not only enjoy but look forward to. In those fleeting moments, I can take in the scenery and not think about a single thing. Give grace to my mind to wander. The same can be said for a podcast you appreciate listening to or binging a TV show as a guilty pleasure (mine is Real Housewives of Beverly Hills). Take an hour for yourself. You deserve it.

Get dressed: This is one of, if not, my favorites. I haven’t been partaking as much as I’d like (that will change this week), but when I do, it’s honestly a joy. Not only get dressed but wear something ridiculously fancy just for the hell of it. Wear a ball gown, a blazer, heels, a skirt, a jumpsuit, a wild print. Since no one is really going to see you anyways, it’s a great time to experiment with a new trend you’ve been yearning to try. Again, one of those areas in life you have full control over!

As I write these points, I can’t help but wonder if you’ve uncovered some sure-fire ways to boost positivity in your own life? If so, I’d love to hear what helps you get through the day. And always, I’m here if you need anything.
